Differences in Model Validation and Saving in Rails and Ecto

Rails is a popular Ruby Web Application Framework
Ecto is a DSL (Domain Specific Language) for database adaptors in Elixir.
Rails is a popular Ruby Web Application Framework
Ecto is a DSL (Domain Specific Language) for database adaptors in Elixir.
Preface: The intention of this article is to provide an interesting and simplified starting point for introducing someone to functional programming topics. It is not intended to be a mathematically provable language or even a full featured programming language.
To get a better handle on Erlang’s behavior, I decided to install a popular set of tools for debugging and performance profiling: EPER. I think it stands for “Erlang PERformance tools”, but it could also mean “Everything Proves Erlang Rules” or “Egrets Prefer to Eat Robots” or really anything for that matter. One thing is for certain, however: getting these tools built and running on Mac OS X was fraught with danger and build errors.
In case you haven’t yet heard of it yet, Elixir is a functional programming language (technically, a collection of macros) written in Erlang. I have been persuaded to add it to my (and, consequently, Grio’s) technical repertoire due to a good amount of recent buzz in the blogosphere (as well as some points I’ll get to later). To make sure I have a strong foundation for my Elixir learning experience, I am starting my adventure with a foray into the underlying syntax of Erlang.