Leveraging AI After App Deployment


Congratulations- you’ve launched your app! The work is finally done… right? Wrong. Once your app is deployed, maintenance and enhancements are regularly required to keep it running smoothly.

While these tasks have typically required a continual influx of time and money, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now allowing app owners to automate many of these repetitive processes. In this blog, we will examine how you can leverage AI to maximize your success after your app launches. 

Transforming App Development with AI: Series Overview


AI Development

Today’s digital age demands speed, innovation, and precision — qualities that traditional app development methods often struggle to deliver consistently. Enter artificial intelligence (AI), a transformative force reshaping the way apps are conceptualized, designed, built, and maintained. AI is not just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer that empowers developers to work smarter, create faster, and achieve more.

This blog kicks off a comprehensive series on how AI is revolutionizing app development. Over the coming articles, we’ll take an in-depth look at how AI integrates into every stage of the app development lifecycle, from conception to deployment, and how it addresses some of the most pressing challenges faced by developers today. The goal is to equip you with actionable insights and practical knowledge to harness the power of AI in your projects.

How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Quality Assurance 


Gain confidence in your software with quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is an important part of the software development process. It is the process of testing a software application to ensure that it meets the standards and requirements that users expect. 

QA can be a time- and money-intensive process. Teams are typically forced to thread the needle between conducting enough testing to ensure an app is ready to launch and staying within a budget and deadline. However, there are several ways that strategically deployed use of artificial intelligence (AI) in QA can help balance time and cost.

A Multi-Faceted Approach to the Rivals Brand Refresh


Refreshing your company’s brand is more than just updating your logo. Refreshing your brand requires multiple layers of design and development to create a strong brand identity that can be implemented across platforms consistently and reliably.

When Rivals decided to refresh the branding on their website, mobile apps, and social media accounts, Grio knew that multiple design elements would be needed to carry the design across platforms. Grio worked with Rivals to establish their digital design goals, and then the Grio team worked tirelessly to bring Rivals’s vision to life.

GRŌ Your Offerings with AI Integrations


In June 2024, Grio launched the GRŌ app: an AI gardening assistant for novice gardeners. The GRŌ app was an excellent way for us to understand the full extent of AI’s capabilities while identifying pitfalls and limitations to avoid on future projects. 

Introduction to AI Ethics


As software teams, we are starting to implement and integrate AI into more of the projects we complete. From chatbots to virtual assistants, AI is becoming an integral part of the web and mobile user experience. As a result, it’s important that we understand not only the capabilities of AI, but also the legal, philosophical, and political ramifications of its use. 

In this blog post, we will explore the philosophy, policy, and governance defining current thinking about ethics in AI.  

Introduction to Digital Forensics


If you’ve turned on the television at all in the last few years, you’ve no doubt encountered at least one show about forensics. However, one of the fields of forensics that is rarely depicted is the ever-growing field of digital forensics. In a world where we are more and more dependent on our technological devices, digital forensics is becoming ever more important. 

The Power of Genetic Algorithms


Genetic algorithms (GA) are directed search algorithms based on the mechanics of biological evolution. They are powerful tools capable of generating solutions to complex optimization and search problems that would otherwise be extremely hard or time consuming to complete by human trial and error alone. 

Web Development Automation Trends


As website developers, automation can increase our capacity to do more, reduce the time and cost of our projects, and allow us to skip the boring parts of our job (let’s be honest!). 

I began developing at a time when there were no helpful tools like frameworks, user interface (UI) kits, application programming interfaces (APIs), or software development kits (SDKs) to speed up our processes. Over time, I’ve seen innovations like these change the pace and possibilities in web development. And now, with the creation of cloud services, we can even do our work from the comfort of our homes rather than relying on dedicated server racks at the office.