Papervision Wish List


I’ve been using Papervision 2.0 for several months now, and while I’ve been able to get it to do most of what I want it to, it has been a tedious journey. If I were to do this project over again, I’m not sure I would choose Papervision, unless they make some improvements.

I’ve put together a short wish list of things I’d like to see done to Papervision:

Maintain Image Aspect Ratio Programmatically


The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to height, and all images have an inherent aspect ratio. By default, the <mx:Image> tag property maintainAspectRatio is set to true. This setting preserves the aspect ratio so that an image does not appear distorted.

Building a Better TileList: A Custom Scrollable TileList using Flex


I use a TileList component quite often when building Flex applications. Recently, I was asked to create a nice, smooth, horizontal scrolling effect for a TileList containing a 3×3 page grid of 40 or so images. After many unsuccessful attempts to cajole the TileList into the proper behavior, I decided to roll my own.

It seems the fundamental problem with the TileList, which extends from the ListBase class, is its management of item renderers. It gets confused when attempting an animation to change the horizontal scroll position using an AnimateProperty effect. It seems that item renderers get confused when moving items into view using an effect.