A Lightweight jQuery Notification Bar


Notifying users with quick messages and alerts in a website is one of the most recurring needs of a web developer.
Every time I need to implement something like that, I start looking around the web hoping to find some Javascript/jQuery plugin that would do the work for me.
The good thing is that a lot of people have already faced this problem.
The bad thing is that the results of the search are way too many and often very confusing.
Chances are that most of the time, you don’t really need a 3MB-super-fancy-hyper-customizable-highly-priced plugin, but you just want something that works, and that you can quickly incorporate into your code.

How a LAMP developer learned to stop worrying and love Ruby on Rails


One of the most raging debates within the web developer community is LAMP vs. Ruby on Rails (RoR), with countless posts all over the Internet that debate the merits of one versus the other… but this blog entry isn’t going to be one of them.  You see, I’m new to RoR and hesitate to call myself an LAMP expert. So I’ll just discuss my own experience going from working on PHP-based sites to working on RoR-based sites.

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Last night I was rummaging through some of my past projects doing a little winter cleaning, and I stumbled upon this jQuery plugin that I wrote a while back. I ran the code to see if it still functions (it was using jQuery  1.3). And to my pleasant surprise, the code still runs like a charm. So, I just want to take the time to share it with you all.