Search Engine Optimization for 2023


As of January 1, 2023, there were nearly 2 billion websites on the internet, with thousands of new webpages being added each day. With that much competition, it can feel impossible to direct traffic to your website. That’s where search engine optimization comes in. 

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, prioritizes your website above other websites with similar content, ensuring that consumers click on your page first. The more traffic is directed to your page, the more clicks you get and the higher your monetization potential becomes. 

However, understanding the best SEO practices to employ can be overwhelming. In this blog post, I will discuss what SEO is and the strategies we employ when updating our client’s websites to make them competitive in the digital sphere. 

Analyzing Two Frontend Technologies: Vue vs. React


Two of the most popular front-end technologies today are React and Vue.js. Current usage statistics reveal that React has been the most-used front-end technology for quite some time, with none of the other options really challenging its position. However, Vue.js, a new, progressive JavaScript framework, is gaining popularity and boasting satisfaction ratings comparable to React’s. 

This post provides my opinions on the strengths, weaknesses, and overall usability of these two frameworks. Though I’ve only spent about one year working with each, I’ve had the opportunity to explore many of the features they have to offer and see firsthand how each has been designed to respond to developer needs. 

When Small Software Bugs Cause Big Problems


For most of us, software bugs are the annoying little things that we encounter in the form of small errors, like misaligned text or a clipped image. However, in rare situations, these small bugs can have massive ramifications. In this post, I will be discussing three such events: the Therac-25, the Mars Spirit Rover, and the June 2021 Fastly malfunction. 

The Uncertain Future of Moores Law


In 1965, Gordon Moore, CEO and co-founder of Intel, made a prediction that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit (the main component on a computer chip) would double every two years for at least the next decade. This prediction, known today as Moore’s Law, has continued to be fulfilled since 1965. While it is known as Moore’s Law, Gordon Moore’s prediction is not truly a law; rather, it is a trend that chipmakers around the world have been encouraged to match via technological advancements, research, and development. 

Passwords, security, and you


With so much of our personal information stored online, and with security breaches frequently in the news, password security is a big concern for Internet users and developers. In this post, I’ll talk a bit about the different ways passwords can be hacked, the concept of entropy in password security, steps you can take to make your websites or accounts more secure, and how we might expect password technology to evolve over the next few years.