Why Things Go Wrong: A Simple Programming Problem


Much of programming is writing code with an obvious solution, it’s being a code monkey. You lay things out, you move them around, you wire it up, but you don’t really need to stop and think. I’d estimate that everyone is about equally good at this. But some of the work is also spent solving problems you’ve never seen before. This is where bugs are introduced, bad decisions are made, schedules are thrown out, and things go wrong. These problems are the really defining part of being a great programmer.

Twitter Stock Ticker


Last night I was rummaging through some of my past projects doing a little winter cleaning, and I stumbled upon this jQuery plugin that I wrote a while back. I ran the code to see if it still functions (it was using jQuery  1.3). And to my pleasant surprise, the code still runs like a charm. So, I just want to take the time to share it with you all.

Android Pattern Lock on iPhone


I’m a loyal user of iPhone. I’ve been using it since its first version and now I’m on 4S. Though I’m staying in iOS camp and don’t have any intention of moving, I occasionally get the urge to test out and see what’s out there. That’s the reason why I convinced myself to own and play with Dell Streak 5″ phone and Google Nexus S. They are both smart smart-phones. But it’s hard to pick their pros and cons by simply “playing” with it. You’ve got to use it. Daily. For everything including surfing, speed dialing, social-networking and games. Everything. And that’s something that I didn’t get a chance to do until last summer when I was traveling and in need of an unlocked phone. I could make my iPhone work (don’t ask me how) but thought I’d give an Android phone a real kick.

Dieter Rams’s Ten Commandments


You might not be aware of it yet, however SFMOMA (the San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art) is currently hosting Dieter Rams’s “Less but Better” product exhibit.

You might also not be aware of who Dieter Rams is, since he is not directly related to the software industry.

Indeed, for almost 40 years Dieter Rams was Chief of Design at Braun’s:  he designed record players, razors, radio sets, etc.

A quick introduction to not editing video


Pop quiz!

Given (A) foo.mov, (B) bux.avi, and (C) baz.m4v, which can your video software handle correctly?

  1. A
  2. A & B
  3. All of them
  4. All or some or none of them depending on their codecs, your software’s codecs, and whether they’re doing anything special with the container format.

Running A Good Scrum


Scrum Master - Save the team

Whether or not they follow other precepts of Agile development, many software companies have implemented some form of a ‘scrum’ – a short daily stand-up in which team members report on their current progress.  A well run scrum can be an extremely valuable communication asset for team members.   A poorly run scrum can be an annoying and time consuming hassle that turns teams off of scrum.  And even though teams are supposed to be “self-organizing”, in my experience a good scrummaster is always important for a good scrum outcome.  Below I’ve outlined a few common problems for scrums, and things the scrummaster can do to keep things on track.

Name Recognition


Dear reader:

After being heads down in the code for quite a while now, we decided to dedicate a little time to sharpening our writing skills. In the coming weeks you should see a number of contributions covering a wide variety of topics. We’ll kick things off today with a seemingly pedestrian subject: the naming classes, files, variables, packages, etc.

Solving the Firefox Ellipsis Problem


On a recent project for a client, I was asked to make the CSS style “text-overflow: ellipsis” work on FireFox browsers, which has never supported this style. This style basically truncates text and adds an ellipsis (…) when the length of the text overflows the container. Supposedly FireFox 7.0 will correctly this issue, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

Scientists Use Flash-based games to conduct brain research


Posit Science as agreed to work with Grio in building an Adobe Flash-based application that will be used by scientists as a tool to study human brain. This application provides games and excercises designed to stimulate brain activities.

Posit Science helps people be at their best throughout their lives by providing brain training software clinically proven to improve cognitive performance.

Grio Helps Playnomics to Enhance its Software Platform


Playnomics has agreed to leverage Grio's talents to provide software development assistance and recommendations for architecture improvements and optimization.

Playnomics provides a platform that publishers of online games can use to understand who their most valuable players are and how to acquire players who will be the most dominant to their game. The platform collects in-game event data and uses proprietary algorithms in combination with an advanced recommendation engine to quantify player value.

In this collaboration, Grio will help build applications that interact with and enhance the Playnomics platform.