Intercepting Hyperlinks in HTML Component of Adobe AIR


AIR’s HTML control provides an easy way to render complex html content. It also gives user flexibility in manipulating events and data it contains. For instance, one can easily react to a hyperlink click in an html document.
Consider the following html snippet:


var str:String = ‘Go to <a href=”” id=”linkGoogle”>google</a>’; = str; // html is of type HTML…

When a user clicks on “google” link, by default, the HTML control will navigate away from the current page and go to Let’s assume that we’d like to do something different. Let’s say we want to display a native AIR dialog box (called GoogleDialog) that has a text field to accept keywords to search, Search button and Cancel button.

Grio Opens San Francisco Office


Grio announced today that it has opened its main office in downtown San Francisco. Located in the heart of the financial district, Grio's new offices provide additional workspace for its growing software development team. 

"Having an office downtown brings us closer to our clients and is very convenient for our employees" says Douglas Kadlecek, co-founder of Grio. "We are very pleased with this central location."
Grio is a San Francisco-based sofware consulting company. Founded in 2008, Grio has grown quickly in its first year of operation. 

For more information about Grio and its services, email or call 415-395-9525.