My First Facebook Development Journey: Extended Permissions, FB AS 3.0 Client Library, and Application Tabs


On a recent project, I had to create a Facebook Flash
application where the application will live in a Facebook application tab on a
fan page. The whole Facebook application development was very new to me. During
that time, because it was a Flash application, it seemed the most sense was to
use the Facebook and Adobe supported Facebook AS 3.0 client library which can
be found here.

Papervision Wish List


I’ve been using Papervision 2.0 for several months now, and while I’ve been able to get it to do most of what I want it to, it has been a tedious journey. If I were to do this project over again, I’m not sure I would choose Papervision, unless they make some improvements.

I’ve put together a short wish list of things I’d like to see done to Papervision:

Kenmore Live Studio FaceBook Application Released


Grio, in partnership with Fluid, have released a Facebook application where fans of Kenmore can go to interact with Kenmore's Live Studio event. Kenmore's Live Studio contains a live video feed of special events, rsvp to these special events, watch past events, and chat with other Kenmore fans. 
The application was built using Adobe Flex, PHP and hooks into the Facebook API, the YouTube API (data and video) and Twitter API.

Installing an ISO file from Mac OSX to a parallels Windows instance


Yesterday I attempted to install Visual Studio 2008 from a DVD onto my
mac parallels Windows 7 instance. After sitting back and admiring the
pictures of happy Microsoft programmers provided by the VS
installation software, I heard a ticking sound coming from my
computer.  After several minutes, the install crashed. Some sleuthing
proved that the disk was scratched and worthless – a typical Monday.

Game Developers Conference 2010 in San Francisco


The Game Developers Conference® (GDC) is the world’s largest professionals-only game industry event. Presented every spring in San Francisco, it is the essential forum for learning, inspiration, and networking for the creators of computer, console, handheld, mobile, and online games.

Maintain Image Aspect Ratio Programmatically


The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to height, and all images have an inherent aspect ratio. By default, the <mx:Image> tag property maintainAspectRatio is set to true. This setting preserves the aspect ratio so that an image does not appear distorted.

Building a Better TileList: A Custom Scrollable TileList using Flex


I use a TileList component quite often when building Flex applications. Recently, I was asked to create a nice, smooth, horizontal scrolling effect for a TileList containing a 3×3 page grid of 40 or so images. After many unsuccessful attempts to cajole the TileList into the proper behavior, I decided to roll my own.

It seems the fundamental problem with the TileList, which extends from the ListBase class, is its management of item renderers. It gets confused when attempting an animation to change the horizontal scroll position using an AnimateProperty effect. It seems that item renderers get confused when moving items into view using an effect.

Grio partners with Clientshow


Grio is helping to develop applications for ClientShow that will allow creative professionals to manage their clients and pitch their work. Launch of the system is targeted for early 2010.

Grio to develop systems for Teachscape


Grio has signed an agreement with Teachscape to develop education-related software that enhances the learning experience. Teachscape was founded in 1999 and is the leader in providing solutions that drive increasing levels of student achievement.