Building Custom UI Components with SwiftUI for Reusable and Consistent Design


In modern app development, maintaining a reusable and consistent design is crucial for creating a seamless user experience. SwiftUI, Apple’s declarative user interface (UI) framework, provides developers with a powerful toolset for creating custom UI components that can be used throughout an app to ensure consistency and streamline the development process. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of custom UI components, how to create them using SwiftUI, and best practices for maintaining a consistent design across your app.

Updating React Native Firebase from v5.6.0 to v14.2.0


The software developer’s job is not done once an application is created. As device operating systems are updated, apps must be updated as well to remain compatible. To demonstrate a typical app upgrade, this post goes through an upgrade I recently performed on a React Native mobile app. 

Debugging Difficult Things


One of the unfortunate realities of any application is that it requires maintenance. As technology continues to evolve and operating systems undergo improvements, applications must be updated to continue running smoothly. However, installing updates isn’t as simple as simply hitting the “update” button. In this post, I will explore our recent updating and debugging adventures on a Ruby on Rails application. 

Applying Composition to the Digital Web Experience


Good composition occurs when every visual element of a photograph has been placed with intent and plays a precise role that adds to the overall story the photo is conveying. By maintaining a balance of detail and space within a frame, the photographer can create pleasing visual aesthetics while communicating a message. 

While some photographers have a natural instinct for good composition, others aren’t so lucky. To help others understand these nuanced elements, photographers have simplified certain compositional structures that are known to work into mathematical elements. These elements are then applied to basic grids that can be taught and reused by any and all photographers, old and new.

But can this rule be used in other forms of media? Say, in digital web experiences?

Creating a Custom WordPress Plugin: Rendering a SPA and Exposing a REST API


If you’ve been on the Internet, chances are you’ve used a WordPress site. WordPress, a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that allows you to host and build websites, is currently responsible for 43% of all websites on the Internet. With so many WordPress websites out there, finding ways to increase your site’s useability and efficiency is key. One easy way to do that? By rendering a SPA and exposing a REST API. 

iBeacon: Reconnecting an iOS App to a Bluetooth Device if the App is Terminated


While working on a recent iOS project in which an iOS app connects to a Bluetooth device, we discovered an issue: the connection between the app and the Bluetooth device could not be re-established if the app was terminated unless the user manually relaunched the app. Our Bluetooth device was turned on and off periodically throughout the day, so it was essential that it was able to reconnect automatically, even if the app was in the background or had been terminated.

Gaining Wisdom from the Ghost of Lotus Notes


Rapid application development has always been the Holy Grail of information technology. The idea that someone with little to no technical expertise could automate their own processes by creating a functioning application is a powerful concept. 

Low-code and no-code developments promise to make this elusive Holy Grail a reality. But they are not the first. Promising the same results as Lotus Notes did in the 1980s, will these developments be able to succeed where Lotus Notes could not? 

Building A Canvas Slideshow with React Konva


Recently, I was tasked with building an application that allowed users to interact with product configurations on an HTML canvas. When using the app, users would be able to: 

  • Drag and drop different products on the canvas
  • Move and reorder products
  • Easily change between the main product images using navigation buttons or by swiping left and right. 

After searching extensively for a code example that could provide a framework for the canvas, I came up with zero results. This meant, of course, that I would need to build the functionality from scratch. It felt like a daunting task. 

An Insight into Daikin HERO Cloud


In a world of smartphones connected to smart lights, garage doors, alarm systems, and doorbells, it feels as if we can bring smart connectivity to practically anything. Yet it isn’t as simple as having the idea for new technology. 

The Key to Viral Growth


Have you ever stopped to ponder how certain things—Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Fidget Spinners, or Planking—manage to take society by storm? Why these things, and not the trillions of other trends, seem to captivate us?  If so, you’re not alone.