You Do What Android Want = Android Do What You Want ~ Part 1: The Mystical 9-Patch


The Mystical 9 patch

You Do What Android Want = Android Do What You Want
Part 1: The Mystical 9-Patch

I recently encountered some blank stares from some colleagues regarding certain aspects of the 9-patch.

Granted, there doesn’t seem to be all that much documentation out there explaining the ins and outs of nine patch, possibly adding to the mystique, but then again, maybe there isn’t all that much to explain.

Here I’ll outline the basics of the 9-patch, and you can comment as to whether it indeed makes simple sense… or instead, communicate your own blank stare with some scathing criticism below in the comments section.

iOS: Creating a Spin Animation using Transitions


Card Spinning Animation Example

Animations are one of the cornerstones of the iOS platform. Animations can add polish and visual interest to any application.

iOS comes with many default animations and effects. An animation between two views is referred to as a transition.

On a recent project, we needed to create an animation of a card to make it appear spinning. Creating this effect from scratch would involve a fair amount of code, but leveraging transitions made it easy.