Maximizing Your Logs with CloudWatch Logs Insights


When you run your application, it generates logs that record pertinent information about the activity, or records of events. These logs, which can contain essential information about your app, its users, and everything in between, can be incredibly beneficial sources of information. Effective logs allow you to stop making assumptions about what’s happening in your code and instead focus on informed decision-making. However, the data is virtually useless if it isn’t stored, searched, and analyzed correctly. 

In this post, I’ll provide a brief overview of good logging practices and examples of how you can use CloudWatch Logs Insights, a program designed to help you interactively search and analyze your log data, to better consume the logs you generate for your application.

High Gas Prices are Okay: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Electron


If you didn’t care about electric vehicles (EVs) before, the current gas prices might have you rethinking your stance. With EV sales on the rise, we are seeing the beginning of an automotive revolution; one that will likely change the framework of American transportation in the next few decades. 

In this post, I am going to discuss the history of EVs, the challenges and benefits of the EV revolution, and why you should care (if you don’t already). 

Using HAML with Ruby on Rails


Big Picture

The ultimate goal of any webpage is to display useful information to a user. What the user sees on the page is commonly referred to as the view layer. Over the years various methods of delivering views have been developed. 

RailsConf 2019 Recap


In early May, a small group of Grio engineers (myself included) travelled to Minneapolis for RailsConf. Although I’ve presented at conferences in the past, this was my first time attending a tech conference exclusively to learn, and I had a great time. In this post, I’ll give a quick recap of my favorite talks, and pass on a few things that I learned from the experience overall.