Breaking Past the Dreaded UX Paralysis


Imagine this…

You’re the lead user experience (UX) designer on a new client project. The project is in the early stages, but things are going well. You’ve completed the user story workshop, you have a good grasp of the client’s vision, you’ve established a comfortable relationship with the client, and you are feeling great. 

You look up with a smile, and to your great surprise, everyone in the room is looking at you. What’s going on? Why are all eyes on you?

Whos Watching You? Choosing a Better Browser


What emotions do you feel when you see the Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge logos? You might feel a sense of familiarity, comfort, or the sense that you are looking at something you are used to using. 

Do you feel fear? If not, you probably should. In this post, I am going to be examining the data privacy issues of modern browsers and introduce alternative options that are focused on keeping you, and your data, safe. 

Defining Talent in UX Design


There have been countless books written on talent, we know talent when we see it, and we can sense talent in people around us. While most of us have a fundamental understanding of what the word “talent” means, most of us would have a hard time clearly defining it.

Fear and Empathy in Design


Last Christmas, I had a minor family tech crisis (we’ve all had those, right)? I was visiting my parents, and my mom asked me to AirDrop some photos from my iPhone to hers. I’ve AirDropped photos probably a hundred times, but this time, for some reason, it didn’t work. My phone showed the photos as “sent”, but they weren’t appearing on my mom’s phone.