Redesigning Grio’s Resource Allocation System


As a company that provides an array of different services for clients, one of the things that we’ve always had to do is manage which employees are assigned to which projects.  This includes making sure that their skill sets line up with the project requirements, knowing when team members will be available to move to a new project, and making sure that no one is either over or under utilized.  This process is called “resource allocation.” 

Using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for Real-Time Data Management


One of the major points that companies must consider these days is how to store, sort, and manage the user data they receive. Especially since the implementation of online information regulatory policies such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), companies must take care to ensure they are managing, storing, and deleting user data in accordance with the applicable regulatory standards. 

UX/UI Design Across Cultures- USA & Japan


As I discussed in my post Designing Cross-Cultural User Experiences, designers must consider a myriad of points when creating a product that is both accessible and enjoyable for people of multiple countries and cultures around the world. Because different people experience the world through different cultural lenses, it is important to consider how the design of an application is interpreted in different places.

Migrating from AngularJS to React- Part II



Recently, I have been working on a migration project for a client that has presented a number of interesting challenges. In this blog post, I will identify some of the challenges we have faced on this project and discuss the solutions we developed to combat them. 

Conversion Optimization with A/B Testing


At Grio, we offer  a wide range of services focused on helping our clients optimize their web presence. One such service is A/B testing. A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a marketing experiment that compares two versions of your content by “splitting” your audience and analyzing which variation performs best. In other words, you create a variant of your content, then show version A to one half of your audience and version B to the other half and analyze the results. 

An Introduction to Elixir


Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It leverages the Erlang Virtual Machine, which is known for running low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems. In this post, I’ll talk a bit about Elixir’s history and current uses, and demonstrate some of its basic types and functions.

What’s new in ECMAScript 2020?


Once a year, we’re treated to a new batch of features in ECMAScript, better known as JavaScript. In this post, I’ll give a quick overview of the history of ECMAScript (including how and why it technically differs from JavaScript) and its feature update process, and talk about a few of the new features released in ECMAScript 2020.

An Introduction to Cybersecurity


On November 2, 1988, the Morris worm became one of the first large-scale attacks on the then-nascent Internet. Robert Morris, a Cornell student, had intended to write a program to measure the size of the Internet — but thanks to a bug, his program ended up shutting down thousands of computer systems.

A Migration Overview: Moving from Heroku to AWS


Recently, my Grio teammates and I supported one of our clients in migrating their Ruby on Rails application from Heroku to AWS. The motivation for the switch — namely, a need for more power and flexibility as the app evolved — is one that many growing companies share; in this blog post, I’ll give a high-level overview of our process and considerations, which I hope will prove helpful (or at least interesting!) to others who are embarking on their own migration journeys.

Creating Great Project Estimates


Good estimates are extremely important to us at Grio. The process of estimating the time and resources required to complete a project helps us understand a client’s needs, forces us to think through all of the dependencies and tasks, and reveals opportunities to better align our technologies and methods with the client’s interests. More importantly, good estimates build trust — our clients deserve to know exactly what they’re committing to when they hire us for a project, and as we go through the steps of creating an estimate, we’re demonstrating our ability to ask insightful questions and come up with a clear project plan.